Nursing Skills & Simulation Center

The seventh floor of the Health Sciences Center has been renovated to provide a state-of-the-art Nursing Skills and Simulation Center.

The Center has a Nursing Skills area consisting of 10 beds with the ability for students to video record their practice sessions to be played back for self-correction prior to testing.

The Nursing Skills Center includes a debriefing room, a two bed Simulation Center with a computer control room equipped with two-way mirrors. The Simulation rooms are equipped with the Laerdal Sim View System and patient simulators of Sim Man 3G and Sim Mom. Also, the floor is equipped with a Community Health room that simulates a patient bedroom and bathroom at home for transition of skills to the home environment.

The Nursing Skills Center additionally has a 48 seat theater style lecture hall with Smart Board technology. Three (3) manikins, Nursing Anne, Nursing Kelly, Nursing Kid with Sim Pad system, Pyxis machine and Console, and Welsh Allen Diagnostic wall units have been installed. All medical and surgical equipment and supplies have been stocked in the store rooms for clinical skills practice labs.

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